邮箱:yangliuvictry@whpu.edu.cn; yangliuvictry@163.com
杨柳,1989年11月,负责智能制造产业学院,学术与专业硕导,湖北省“楚天学子”,湖北省农业机械学会理事,中国仿真技术产业联盟会员,校欧美留学联合会理事,省院士专家企业行专家,省科技特派员“三区人才”, 中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛过程装备实践与创新赛专家指导委员会委员,《机械科学与工程》编委。2013-2018,中国石油大学(北京)硕博连读,获中国石油大学(北京)工学博士学位,2017-2018-加国家公派加拿大University of Alberta院士课题组联合研究。2019-,yL23411永利官网登录教学与科研,主要研究智能装备与作业机理研究,农产品智能检测,粮油装备摩擦学设计与失效分析等,在研项目包括湖北省自然科学基金,湖北省粮食局揭榜制项目,江苏省重点实验室开放基金,湖北省教育厅青年科研项目,校杰出科研项目,企业委托装备开发项目等,主要参与了省重点研发、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金项目等,在Tribology International, Wear, Journal of Engineering Tribology, Progress in Organic Coatings, Surface Engineering,《中国粮油学报》和《中国油脂》等学术期刊发表科研论文40余篇,SCI收录30余篇,授权发明专利10余项,现为《Tribology International》,《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》《Petroleum science》等期刊审稿人。
[1] 湖北省自然科学基金,米粒分级碾白加工中的微切削行为与摩擦学作用机理研究, 2022-2024,主持;
[2] 湖北省粮食局,粮食产后仓前智能预处理系统研发,2024,主持;
[3] yL23411永利官网登录,学科建设,2024,主持;
[4] 院士专家工作站,湖北弘福食品,2023, 2024;
[5]省科技特派员(三区人才),2023, 2024;
[6] 江苏省食品先进制造装备技术重点实验室开放基金,面向适度加工的大米碾白作业摩擦学研究,2021FM03, 主持;
[7] 湖北省教育厅中青年人才项目, 基于适度加工的大米摩擦学与物质转移机制研究, 2021-2023, 主持;
[8] yL23411永利官网登录校杰出青年基金,智能爬杆机器人软接触区非稳态摩擦学行为研究,2020J06, 主持;
[9] yL23411永利官网登录博士启动基金, 智能爬管机器人接触区非稳态摩擦学特性研究, 主持;
[10] 企业横向,一种新型白米分级筛的研发及其产业化,主持;
[11] 企业横向,混药可控式港口喷淋消毒智能控制系统研制,2023-2026,主持;
[12] 湖北省重点研发,稻谷加工砻碾装备数字化关键技术研究及产业化,参与;
[13] 成果鉴定,“散装粮食智能入库装备系统集成技术”,参与;
[14] 国家自科基金面上项目,水平井、大位移井连续管高效清砂过程中摩擦学行为与作用机制研究,2017 -2020, 主要参与;
[15] 北京市自然科学基金,微间隙下润滑分子界面吸附行为及其在微机电系统中的应用研究,2016-2018, 主要参与;
[16] 清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金,海水环境下橡胶材料表面性能及摩擦学研究,主要参与。
[17] 深圳中检,智能化喷淋系统设计,2022-2024,主要参与。
[18] yL23411永利官网登录校立教研,结合仿真实践教学的工程流体力学课程建设,2021-2023, 主持。
[1] Tribological properties and damage behavior of brown rice based on milling process.Tribology Internatianal, 2022. (SCI一区Top) 通讯
[2] Predictive modeling of rice milling degree for three typical Chinese rice varitiew using interpretative machine-learning methods. Journal of Food Science, 2024. (SCI二区) 一作
[3] The structural-mechanical damage behavior of rice bran layer under tensile processing for moderate milling. Journal of Cereal Science, 2024. (SCI二区) 通讯
[4] Impact of rice friction milling on the bran layer and on kernel structure. Journal of Cereal Science, 2024. (SCI二区) 通讯
[5] Research on rice starch gel preparation and crosslink network structure-rheological property based on direct-writing 3D printing. JHeliyon, 2024. (SCI二区) 通讯
[6] Research on deposition particles carrying with washing tools during well cleaning. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.2022 (SCI二区Top) 一作
[7] Frictional behavior of brown rice grain during moderate processing, Tribology International. 2021. (SCI一区Top) 一作/通讯
[8] Research on rice grain damage behavior with experimental and finite element modeling, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2023. (SCI三区) 一作
[9] Research on microstructural‐mechanical and shearing properties of castor seed during mechanical extraction, Journal of Texture Studies, 2023. (SCI三区) 一作
[10] Particles transportation and deposition behavior during horizontal wellbore exploitation. Journal of Energy Resource Technology, 2023. (SCI三区) 一作
[11] Compression and shear fracture behavior of single rice paddy based on husking process, Journal of Cereal Science, 2022. (SCI二区)一作/通讯
[12] Relationship between the fracture morphology and energy of brown rice during processing, Journal of Cereal Science, 2022. (SCI二区)一作/通讯
[13] Research on mechanical-structural and oil yield property during Xanthoceras sorbifolium seed oil extraction, Process, 2022. (SCI三区) 通讯
[14] Research on damage properties of apples based on static compression combined with the finite element method. Foods, 2022. (SCI二区) 通讯
[15] Optimization of castor seed oil mechanical extraction property by Response Surface Methodology, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2022. (SCI三区) 一作/通讯
[16] Understand the Large Difference in Properties among Coiled Tubing Steels Having Similar Microstructures via Electron Work Function Analysis. Wear, 2021. (SCI二区Top) 一作/通讯
[17] Research on Structural–Mechanical Properties during the Castor Episperm Breaking Process. Processes, 2021. (SCI收录) 一作/通讯
[18] Research on mechanical-structure properties during sunflower seed extrusion-oil extraction, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2021. (SCI收录) 一作/通讯
[19] Tribological behaviors of quartz sand particles for hydraulic fracturing, Tribology International, 2016. (SCI一区-Top) 一作
[20] Tribological behaviors of rice particle based on the moderate processing. International Symposium on Mechanical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, 2020. (EI收录) 一作/通讯
[21] Friction and wear behaviors of sand particle against casing steel. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019. (SCI三区) 一作
[22] Frictional behaviors of iron based tools-casing with sand deposition. Tribology International, 2018. (SCI一区Top) 一作
[23] Preparation and nanotribological properties of polyelectrolyte multilayers with in situ Au nanoparticles. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2015. (SCI二区)
[24] Nanoscale monolayer adsorption of polyelectrolytes at the solid/liquid interface observed by quartz crystal microbalance, Polymer Journal, 2017. (SCI二区)
[25] Preparation and hydrophobic behaviours of polystyrene composite coating, Surface Engineering, 2016. (SCI三区)
[26] Removal and tribological behaviors of waxy deposition layer in cleaning process, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2017. (SCI三区)
[27] Liu Yang, Yanbao Guo, Deguo Wang. Research of particle friction in the annular plug during oil and gas drilling, STLE, 2016-Las Vegas, US. (EI)
[28] Lubrication and dragreduce of coiled tubing in hole cleaning, 2017 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. (EI).
[29] 基于 LSP 与 GLCM 方法的碎米识别特性研究, 中国粮油学报.2023. 通讯
[30] 卧式砂轮碾米机中碾白室内流场的仿真分析, 武汉轻工大学学报, 2022. 通讯
[31] 基于内聚力模型的糙米力学特性分析,yL23411永利官网登录学报, 2023. 通讯
[32] 静压对梨子力学-结构损伤特性的影响,yL23411永利官网登录学报, 2022. 通讯
[33] 单粒花生挤压过程中的力学-出油特性研究.中国油脂, 2021. 通讯
[34] 基于原位观测的糙米籽粒力学特性研究.中国粮油学报, 2021. 一作/通讯
[35] 蓖麻籽粒挤压过程中的力学-出油特性研究.中国粮油学报, 2021. 一作/通讯
[36] 范雨超,杨柳*,宋少云,曹梅丽,张永林.稻谷挤压力学-结构特性研究. yL23411永利官网登录学报, 2021.
[37] 杨柳*,宋少云,张永林. 基于碾磨作用的稻米摩擦学特性与损伤行为研究,全国青年摩擦学大会,兰州2023.
[38] 杨柳*,郭岩宝,王德国,刘书海.冷轧对金属材料摩擦学性能的影响-从功函数的角度,全国青年摩擦学大会,成都2019.
[39] 杨柳*,郭岩宝,王德国,刘书海.水平井清砂作业过程连续油管的摩擦学特性研究,全国青年摩擦学大会,南京,2017.
[40] 杨柳*,郭岩宝,王德国,刘书海.水平井清砂作业过程中的岩屑运移规律研究,全国青年摩擦学大会,成都,2015.
[1] 用于非常规稻谷脱壳的辊带式砻谷机, 授权发明专利, 2023. 第2
[2] 一种分级筛,授权发明专利,2023 第1
[3] 油茶饼浸出前粗破碎机,授权发明专利,2022 第1
[4] 一种基于原位观测的智能碾米测试试验机. 授权发明专利, 2023. 第1
[5] 一种模拟高空爬管作业接触区原位综合测试设备. 授权发明专利, 2022. 第1
[6] 一种基于在线原位监测的榨油测试机. 授权发明专利, 2022. 第1
[7] 一种模拟高空爬管作业接触区原位综合测试设备. 授权发明专利, 2023. 第1
[8] 一种模拟钻井清砂过程原位观测试验机. 授权发明专利, 2018. 第2
[9] 模拟微观驱油界面原位观测试验装置. 授权发明专利, 2016. 第2
[10] 模拟水平井砂沉积下连续油管作业的磨损原位观测试验装置. 授权发明, 2017. 第3
[11] 利用对侧上肢控制下肢的康复机器人. 授权发明专利, 2020.
[12] 一种自动倾倒设备,ZL 2019 21248148.1. 2019.
[13] 一种平粮执行装置,ZL 2019 21230242.4. 2019.
[14] —种丸子自动油炸设备, ZL 201921258991.8. 2019.
“金龙鱼青年教师奖”,2022 年